My due date was Saturday, March 24th.
I had my last doctor's appointment Thursday, March 22 and during that appointment I was only dilated 2cm or so. So, the doctor said if I didn't go into labor naturally, they wanted to induce me a week later. I DID NOT want to be induced. I knew I would be anxious knowing that on a specific date I would go into labor and I also had heard being induced could make the process so much slower than natural labor. What I really wanted was for my water to just break and go into labor one day like when I had Grady. I had even asked my chiropractor was there anything that could help bring on labor naturally and he said there were some pressure points stuff they could do.... or even some massage therapists could help bring on labor. If that's what it would take, then I planned on trying that before I went a whole week longer.
Grady and I ran some errands while we were in town that day and came home. I put Grady down for his regular nap, ate some lunch and finally reclined back in bed to read a book and relax.
No longer than ten minutes after I sat down.... I literally heard and felt a "pop" on lower left side of my abdomen.... and my water broke!! I called Hank at work and told him and he headed home to get us.
Everything went so smoothly. I did ask for an epidural, but the anesthesiologist was busy with other patients and in the operating room.... that I hate to wait extra long. I went through the whole process "naturally" (which means screaming, writhing and other things I will not mention) until I finally was given the epidural 45 minutes before the baby was born. Poor Hank... he was run ragged giving me cold cloths on my forehead and neck, giving me the oxygen mask (so I wouldn't pass out!), ice chips, etc, etc, etc.
At around 12:00 AM... it was time to push and our wonderful Dr Morales was there!
Exactly eight hours of labor later, at 12:17 AM.... our sweet baby girl was born.
And of course... she was just PERFECT!!!
She was 7 lbs, 13 oz.
And here is our little burrito at home, just a few days old.... she loves being swaddled....
And so quickly.... she has grown and changed...
Six weeks old
Two and a half months old
Four months old
She is such a blessing and such a precious little baby.... so calm and sweet. She slept with me most nights until she was a few weeks old, and then we started letting her sleep in her swing... she loves to be swaddled and have the swinging motion. And she sleeps through the night and might get up only once to eat!! So, we're all going to get extra rest while we can! She can co-sleep more when we transition her to her crib. She has been so alert... it's crazy! This little girl doesn't let anything get out of her sight! She is giggling so much now and holds and grabs everything. She also wants to sit up so badly (she loves her Bumbo seat). I cannot believe how quickly she is growing and changing.... it goes by too fast.
I still cannot believe we have a baby girl!!!